[Tailor with Peco]
At level 15 you'll be able to move faster with mounts. Each mount will have certain requirements to meet in order to ride 'em. You can purchase one through an NPC named "Jenny", shes North of Prontera Castle with the "Transportation Managers".

Wizzard -> Sorcerer & Thief -> Assassin

Sorcerer battling a Spore

Swordsman job sliding to Chef "Alt + F"
[avoid doing this in battle]

"Emoticons Menu"
Expressions and Emoticons, can be accessed through the Skill window, by hitting the shortcut key "K" on your keyboard, after which you would then click the icon you wish to use. You can also input in the chat window '/' commands for Social Epressions or '//' commands for the traditional Emoticons, following the slashes would be the shorten name. Ex: //heh

"Tailor's Jigsaw System allows custom clothes pattern"
To make these weaves and dyes, you'll need to visit the costume designer NPC "Beston" and purchase those. Then you'll be able to apply a set pattern of weaving and dyes from the set The patterns colors can be edited, or shifted with vertical, horizontal axes, resize and rotate the pattern as well.

"Character Avatar selections - Acolyte"
Users are allowed to customize their character's their Face, Hair, Eyes, Lips, Nose, and Skin tone.

Acolyte Doing a Quest
Sorcerer running through Ludlow with Porings

The Battle is ON! Thief, Acolytes, and Wizzard party up as Baby Wolf, Rockers, Lunatics, Hornets, and Porings fight for their lives.

And your Specs:

can I ask if the default camera angle of the game is upside down like ragnarok 1??? thanks...
You are freaking awesome.
Thank you for posting this! Finally! =)
This looks great! Welcome back to Ragnarok.
dude where did you get this
The peco looks great, so does the option menu for emotions.
But what's up with some of the faces? They look kind of weird.
My eyeballs popped out...
I really really really can't wait now...
Thank you so much sir!
@Anonymous #2: Upside down? Do you mean facing down like in RO1? Right now your camera angle can move freely how you want it to be.
The faces are just a sample to show how nice or even how odd of selections you'll have currently.
They really do ROCK now! /wah
@Chriz Ruiz
Are you gonna play CBT too? (pretty much yes) If yes, please tell us your In Game name xD Please? please? please? xD
The shadows vary from pic to pic, and the lighting does as well. Does this mean that there will be a day & night system? Screenies look amazing so far.
I really hope this game is not slow-paced..
This would ruin all magic of fast and dynamic mmo RO have...
It looks quite nice , I'm just not quite sure how will the Dual Life ( that's what it is called right? ) system will work out ;)
The screenies are nice, I hope for some higher resolution ones in future tho ;)
Oh and by the way. The classes aren't gender locked, are they?
this is cool...
can you put voices over the characters???
This game looks amazing, I love the art style you guys went with this engine, I am very excited to try this out! Just have one quick question, When can we expect to see that new video that we were teased with a weekish ago?
Hey Chris, I was wondering if you could translate the most recent new article on the ro2 website? that would be awesome, I am very interested in the skill system they are showing there. Thanks!
how bout the skill thing in webpage?
do u have any infos on that?
I Hope level up ph will make this a F2P so that we wont play in a private server
Is this at the highest graphical setting? Not that it looks bad, I was just hoping for something higher-poly (I'm a modeller myself).
Environments look great. Some of the monster sizes are totally different from what I imagined - I always saw Rockers as big as a human, and lunatics as about half their current size, is that just me?
Anyway thanks for the screens, once you get the 'Evocation Box' up, I have a few suggestions I'd really like to make :D
the models and everything looks good, the thing is i think the overall colours of both scenery and characters are a bit to bright don't you think? O.o i wonder if they will adjust the contrast and setting once the trailer and the CBT is out....
just wondering, is Peco only for swordman class?
also i wanna know, is Peco a battle mount like RO1, or u have to dismount to join in the battle?
Graphically the game is absolutely gorgeous, keep up that good work, Gravity!
Just show me a good gameplay and I'm in the boat.
Skin tone only for head =)
And dead eyes
the monster are ssuuuupppperrr adorableee and the backgrounds r great! but one problem, the character face looks awkward... and the character look stiff somehow :/... but its still looks awesome thooo,,. im gonna play this game for suree :D
Amazing Screenies !! Thx Chris !
The battle system, is going to be like current MMOs today, I mean, with target locking and that slow battle?
The battle system in RO1 is fast and dinamic, any information about that?
Omg wow! Thank you very much for the screens!
I realy love the Monster design! (spore looks sooo good!) It's far better than I imagined! <3
(But lunatic seems to be a little bit too big lol /heh)
The only thing I dont like are the hair-styles... they are so non detailed and look a bit like plastic to me (^^)"...
And some of the eyes look dead lol
But overall I like it! Can't wait to play RO2 /lv keep it up!
I have to be honest, I felt the original RO2 designs were much cuter. I'm really not fond of the new faces now...the monsters/backgrounds are great but I don't know if I can get used to those faces......... I guess I'll have to try it out once a US/Japan beta is available but from the screenshots I feel kinda disappointed!
man, i dont like :S how can skin tones changes only face? :S dude sorry but this is sucks.
i have a question.
can we buy clothes for dual clases? If we can this will be good. Becaouse every same dual class having same clothes will be suck
I don't understand, I thought this "new RO2" would be better than "RO2Fail" but what I see in these images is not it. The graphic of this game is much worse, cannot match the current generation of games. Very disappointed.
I loved it!
But I found the character's face very yellow, does not match the body.
These photos are Anti Alaising graphics and effects at most?
Another question.
The game will be F2P?
Thank you.
Some of the faces looks cool.....some of them scarry....but I smell a lot of customization there....and thats good...
Thx God I met the recomended settings....
Well, i guess you opened this spot for people to come and talk, say if something is bad or good.. if i may i would like to express my opinion.
I played the last ro2.. and i like this graphics more but.. the face and other graphics are a bit "square" cant you guys like put more details, all the faces have aparently the same colour and shape, if you can like.. something like freckles and alike.. i guess the face can become more enjoyable.
All the other.. i can congratulate you a lot, the work looks awesome, the context in which the players are.. like enviorment graphics.. looks fantastic.
I guess i just need a better computer now =P. =) good work !
I like the improved art style, but things aren't looking too hot from a technical standpoint. Is this an alpha build? Anyway, the new features sound great and I can't wait to finally see some footage.
Beautiful graphics.
Is really perfect !!!!
Please you have to use this BGM ( of the old RO2):
Title: Intro Theme
Artiste: Yoko Kanno
Album: Ragnarok Online 2 OST
Vocals: Yoon Hyeon Soo
Looking at it closely....The skin tone of the face and the skin tone of the body does not match at all....
For now I prefer the cute faces of RO2 ver 1, they used to look more dynamic, the new ones look like a photo of a face pasted on a certain body......but lets wait for the CBT....
WOW... nice job, Chris!! Thank you for updating us with the news from RO2...
Anyway, I would like to ask you something... Can you translate the new article on Gravity website, the one talking about the skill and talent system?? I'm really very, very curious about that, and if you can translate for us, it would be wonderful *-*
Again, thank you for all... nice work ^^
Woooow backgrounds look amazing!
But I'm not sure about characters yet xD
I was just wondering... are those clothes the only ones you will be able to wear? >_> I mean like Ro1 where you have your sprite with the same clothes and you could only dye it to change them... I hope it is not like that >0>
Thank you for the pics! =3
The ZENY will come back? *-*
Perhaps it'll be fast paced but not as fast as RO1. Just think about this for a moment:
@Angra Manyu:
It's very weird to have a 3D model attacking in 190 Attack Speed. If you don't believe me, just look at the Sword Guardian at Thor's Volcano.
When they do Sonic Blow their body animation gets somewhat horrible. Do you really want that for your characters?
Realistic moves for me, please!
without 190 aspd Ragnarok isn't ragnarok, it's just mmo...
Sooooo, Max Speed atks for RO2!
We're trying to make fast enough to suit the new style. ^^
Yes it's called Duel Life. But I've been calling it Job Sliding since it sounds much better thant Duel Life, I hope when it goes world wide publishers will start calling it that instead ^^ And they are not gender specfic.
Characters will have some minor voice dubs.
I sorry about the delay of the video, it's really all in the hands of their marketing manager. It was delayed for number of reason, I'm still doing follow ups on it.
I'll try to post some info about the news for the skills soon. Busy Busy.
Currently yes and no, some of these have Anti-Aliasing and some of these don't.
Peco will be for all classes once you reach level 15. Other new mounts will be class locked, or level locked, which will allow you to do other various things. Different mounts will also have their own flattery/loyalty % which gives you more speed or attack etc.
Yes Traditional lock on system but the speed of the game is aimed to be fast.
Currently you'll only be allowed in CBT1 to buying parts, like patterns and dyes.
Currently yes and no, some of these have Anti-Aliasing and some of these don't. The ones with the yellow faces was a slight mess up from the dev team, with deadlines creeping up, mess ups are bound to happen. Not to mention some of these shots are alittle older since these needed to be posted and forward around. But honestly, please try not to worry about the yellow faces it will be fixed once it's released.
No this is not an Alpha build, it's Beta.
Thanks, Speaking of which, Yoko Kanno is back doing some music for Izlude, the login screen, and a few misc areas. Hope this little word will help some enlighten users.
Currently Yes, CBT will only feature a few class outfits, and a number of patterns and dyes.
Hope this helps! ROK ON!
People, please remember thats these screenshots is from the BETA phase of game development, of course the pictures will not have "hi-res", perfect graphics and perfect shadows/light.
Certainly, when the CBT/OBT opens, the graphics "bugs" like the "yellow face" will be fixed, but now they are more focused in the gameplay part of the game.
Patience obi-wan...
Thanks for all the updates Chris, it's great there's someone like you to bring information to the english community!
can't lock on be optional? >_< I was really hoping it would be like in RO1 where you first chose your skill and then you chose your target, cause in MMOs nowdays partying is about ganging unto poor little monsters as if every mob was a boss. I'm pretty sure this is also going to affect WoE greatly! We need to be able to browse people we want to kill smoothly to make PvPing fun, not ALL GO FOR THE HEALER, THEN MOVE ON TO THE MAGE! if you give the option for people to be lazy, they'll do it even if it's not fun! mind slaving I tell ya! It wont be RO if you don't let us heal and run on zombies. I really don't understand how you can keep your promise of making this game's PvP fast pased and better than RO1's! I don't think you can tweak people's stats to make them die and kill easy so you can switch onto the next target and call that fast >_<
I liked, thank u. Faces could be more creatives, porings are cute with more lights, I think they'r gonna put more face styles like head size modifiable, nose and eyes types... Well, I hope. Compare with old ro2 we can't by now, cause ro2 wins certanly, and they know why. xP
Love your work, and I'm with RO2 LoftS
Nothing wrong with lock-on. What prevents you from clicking on another character and using a skill? Its the exact same thing, just reversed... The thing that determines if people will gang up on one monster/person at a time is damage output vs HP. Generally in RO, anything outside of an MVP is killed very quickly (unless you're a Mage VFWing high level monsters!). We don't know if it'll be like that in RO2 or not.
Because a face changes color and the body does not ... The face of one color and the body of another ...
Congrats for the good work. I liked it.
Since when I saw that Rag 2 will have the 2-1 and 2-2 classes, the first thing that I could think when I see the monk was Asura (yes, i DO have an combo/asura monk). *_*
Ok. Outside jokes, can I tell that the skills will be somewhat like the RO1's ones?
If yes, there are a chance that monk's combos will really look as combos (including the attack speed)?
On the other hand, it is possible to post some art or screenshot of the classes in oposite gender that were posted (male mage, acolyte and archer and female swordman and thief)? I hope that some of us (including myself) are a bit curious about this.
Come to Philippines ragnarok 2! please!
from Montrey
Perhaps for the CBT we won't be able to change our gender because the game is unfinished. But for the final release I'm more than sure that everyone will be able to be male or female regardless of the job.
Right, Chris?
you have a point kyurr about it not only been lock on, but I've seen far too many hp to atk ranges and it's just not tweakable, they really have to use something other than that to fast pace the game. If they lower HP and bump up the dmg, tanks will have a PvP adv (which they shouldn't have, because they are supposed to be party devoted not blood thirsty); also, any kind of ambushing will give you like automatic win (first hit is BOUND to kill). In RO you could be playing with some one just as good as you were, and getting hit first would make absolutely no difference (unless of course it was like an asura strike, and that's still not the kinda advantage some MMOs give you with the first stun...). WHICH reminds me, RO barely had any kind of stuns, and when you were immobilized it only added to the PvP fun (like frost driver letting the mage charge a spell just to be interrupted anyways)
A question I have concerns the actual pace of combat... Will skills be movement based? Part of what makes MMOs a pain for many types of game players is the "stand and attack" mode which is very restrictive. If I opt to strike an opponent I should have a means to cover the distance quickly if I am a melee character (whether by pulling an opponent in, or moving the character towards them at a more rapid pace), or perhaps archer-types should be able to move while firing in exchange for a slower firing speed while moving. If RO2 is based on the original flavor, this could be important as Priests and Wizards were traditionally focused on area control, but melee spiking and ranged combat were hard to balance because the ranged options had too much or too little power to be viable or balanced.
Ronny- We cannot say this for sure yet, they may opt to use smaller basic values and higher multipliers
I agree with Ronny Candelaria
I think with Target-lock the battle gameplay will be the same thing of others MMORPGs and the pvp/woe will suck.
You just need to select your target one time, so move is unnecessary and on 1x1 with the same power, the first to hit win.
The characters will stand in the same place using skill,skill,skill
Fast or Slow, will be the same thing =/
But i have two last questions...
Will have AOE ground targetable skills?
because of Target-lock, Hide will suck or will be an absurd advantage?
"sorry, english sucks ^^"
hey Revolution how about that? mobile phone numbers? Oo'
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