Friday, July 15, 2011

Livestream RO2: LotS CBT 3.a

Livestream for RO2: LotS CBT 3.a
Courtesy of NakedJehuty

 Testing Dates
July 13, 2011 [Wednesday]- July 17, 2011 [Sunday] (5 days)

Testing Time:
[Wednesday] July 13, 2011 18:00 - 23:00 (5 hours)
[Thursday] July 14, 2011 18:00 - 23:00 (5 hours)
Stress Test Entire Server Stability:
[Friday] July 15, 2011 to [Sunday] July 17, 2011 18:00 - 14:00 (44 hours)

GMT+9, Korean Standard Time

1 comment:

BlaX said...

Been a long time since u last posted...

Any news on Ragnarok 1?